Controlled and Certified Production Process
Our Staff is formed by skilled and trained personnel who do perform, using state-of-the-art equipment being located in our department's Measuring Room and Control Island, a constant monitoring of our production process. Starting from raw material acceptance to finished products' packaging, anything passes constantly under our Quality Control's magnifying lens.
Sater - Fastener solutions
Control island
Quality Certification
The search for high quality standards has since ever counter distinguished our Company's philosophy, being proofed also by having achieved the UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 Certification and above all the IAFT 16949 Certification, guaranteeing in this way our production process's reliability. Especially the second one is specifically required in the Automotive branch.
Environmental Certification
At Sater we are aware towards topics concerning environmental protection and waste reduction in terms of energy and materials: our commitment in this field is proofed by having achieved the ISO 14001 Certification.
Confiding in the path that we started with the ISO 14001 Certification we decided to invest in energy and renewable resources installing apposite machineries: thus our Company is provided with a low-energy-impact compressor room, evaporators for continuous water recycling, biological fountains to avoid the use of solvents and degreasers to protect workers and environment, and we installed furthermore a large photovoltaic system on the production plant's roof.
Gender equality
Our company is committed to supporting the values of gender equality, inclusion and attention to gender diversity through the adoption of corporate, organizational and management mechanisms based on respect for the rights and freedom and dignity of people. In reference to this field we have equipped ourselves with a management system UNI/PdR 125.